Friday, July 27, 2007

Enter A closely guarded secret of Indian Yogis
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So when she recently discovered a makeup that promised to both cover her skin's imperfections and fight wrinkles, she snapped it up.``It's an antiaging foundation that has a light powdery texture, covers up my spots and lines, and has skincare benefits thrown in,'' Smith... .(New Jersey)NEW ELIXIRS, NEW WRINKLES Beautybe only skindeep, but that's quite far enough for the cosmetics industry. The hottest new wrinkle in the billiondollar appearance business antiaging preparations. Manufacturers assert these treatments not only cover up the marks of age, but actually are revolutionary new ways of rejuvenating skin.Some dermatologists, however, are doubtful about these claimed new advances in technology. They say they have seen no proof, and find the statements in the ads difficult.. MPresswire "Stocks on the Rise GRWW, AAGM, PAIV" Wall Street, NYCToday,, named; Greens Worldwide Inc. (OTC BB GRWW), AntiAging Medical Group (Pink Sheets AAGM), and Paivis Corp. (OTC BB PAIV); their "Stocks on the Rise." Greens Worldwide Inc. (OTC BB GRWW, httpwww.marketwatch.comtoolsquotesquotes.asp?symb=grww&siteid=mktw ) Greens Worldwide Terminates Definitive Asset Purchase Agreement to Acquire American Indoor Football League .. Toronto Star, The (Ontario, Canada) Doctor says attitude key to aging gracefully, Healing expert a fan of omegafatty acid Calls antiaging products a waste of money, dangerous What do you do if you've begun receiving those birthday cards poking fun of your advancing age? If you're Dr. Andrew Weil, you calmly take stock of the facts, avoid antiaging cures (you definitely don't do Botox) and pay more attention to your diet, mental acuity and spiritual life. And you write another book.Weil, the chief guru of integrative medicine in the United States, is back in the spotlight promoting his new book, Healthy Aging A Lifelong..Theories, solutions on aging, Specialists look for treatments Just a couple of decades ago, antiaging medicine didn't even exist as a discipline. But today, it's driven by millions of Americans wanting to maintain good health and vitality, as well as by physicians interested in taking medical care in a new direction.That includes preventive care, early detection of disease and, when possible, the reversal of agingrelated diseases and disorders. To achieve such ambitious goals, antiaging specialists call on myriad theories... .SCIENTISTS CAN STIMULATE `ANTIAGING' ENZYME IN CELLS Scientists have found for the first time a way to rev up a potent "antiaging" enzyme in living cells, an advance they said could speed the development of drugs to extend human lifespan and prevent a wide range of geriatric diseases.The novel approach has significantly increased the lifespans of yeast and human cells in laboratory dishes and extended the lives of flies and wormsorganisms that, on the level of molecular biology, age very much as humans do... SunSentinel VANITY MEDICINE HOPE, HYPE AND RISK WITH LITTLE TRAINING AND MINIMAL OVERSIGHT, MORE AND MORE FLORIDA DOCTORS ARE ENTERING THE LUCRATIVE FIELDS OF ANTIAGING AND VANITY MEDICINE. BUT FOR THE PUBLIC OBSESSED WITH YOUTH AND BEAUTY, THERE ARE DANGERS. Many of Dr.

antiaging product (12)
antiaging treatment


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