Discover the most powerful anti- aging agent and rejuvenation elixir ever known to mankind. Feel the amazing power of growing young.
antiaging treatment
antiaging supplement (637) The U.S. cosmetics and toiletries market has experienced growth forstraight years. The U.S. skin care market jumped from.
Locally produced show on Discovery Channel News Journal staff report BELLVILLEMeisse Productions Inc. has been selected to produce a weekly health show for the Discovery Channel. The first program is scheduled to air Friday.Entitled "Bill Frank's Forever Young," the series consists of minute health and fitness shows that teach viewers how to look and feel younger through nutrition, exercise, health, antiaging and medical breakthroughs.The Meisse Productions crew will travel the...
TESTOSTERONE REPLACEMENT THERAPY QUESTIONED According to conventional wisdom, hitting middle age always meant menopause for women and a midlife crisis for men.These days, though, as millions of women are reassessing the use of estrogen due to the increased possibility of cancer, heart attack and stroke, hundreds of thousands of American men are seeking hormone treatment for declining sex drive, muscle and bone loss and other symptoms of ``andropause,'' or ``male menopause.'' But in... . Hamilton Spectator, The (Ontario, Canada)The secrets of great skin; Smooth, radiant skin benefits from a regimen of care that begins in the teenage years Supple and smooth, wrinkled and dry. Your skinthe largest organ in the human bodyis a complex matter of layers that change with each passing year. For about the first decade of your life, most everything's okay, save for the occasional surface wound of skinned knees or chicken pox.But hit the double digits and it's downhill.Here's a thumbnail guide about what's happening to you as you age, and how to deal with it, starting with... . PostStandard, The (Syracuse, NY) CHIROPRACTIC DOCTOR TO GIVE FREE SEMINAR Dr. Bernard Straile, chiropractic doctor with the Marcellus Family Chiropractic, will give a free seminar atp.m. Monday at the Fairmount Community Library,Chapel Drive.He will elaborate on antiaging strategies..... Daily Post (Liverpool, England)Daily Post (Liverpool) Viva AGAINST THE CLOCK GOD I hate Natalie Imbruglia! I mean, what gives a girl with peachy perfect, dewy skin and without any hint of what are irritatingly described as ``fine lines and wrinkles'' the right to advertise antiaging products. And did I mention that she is just ? Yes, just . I hadn't even given brain space to the word wrinkle at . When it came to my face I was more preoccupied with, well, getting a decent tan. Which, of course, is where all the trouble... . `AB FAB' REUNION FALLS FLAT ON FACE It's amazing that "Absolutely Fabulous in New York" has everything an "Ab Fab" fan would wantfashion, pratfalls, travel and starstudded cameosand still comes up short.This reunion, which takes aging antiheroines Edina (Jennifer Saunders) and Patsy (Joanna Lumley) to the Big Apple for Fashion Week, manages to fall flat in its oneliners and central story. It is, at times, tiresome. be Edina and Patsy have worn out... .STUDY SAYS GROWTH HORMONE IS 'PROMISING' BUT HAS DRAWBACKS Injections of human growth hormone, which have become increasingly popular after being aggressively advertised as a "fountain of youth," do reverse some of the common physical attributes of aging, a new federally sponsored study has found. antiaging product
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