Californians seeking the fountain of youth lead the nation in dollars spent on physicians, potions and products claiming to stop aging. In Orange County, anti-aging and lon gevity clinics, health-food stores and so-called ``natural'' healing practitioners draw clients who travel miles for prescriptions for substances such as human growth hormone. But they are wasting their money -- maybe even harming their health -- say 51 international scientists in a...
Baby boomers are not strolling quietly into their golden years.Many are fighting to stop or turn back the ravages of time. And as they employ everything from wrinkle-erasing creams to herbs to hormones, anti-aging medicine has ballooned into a multibillion-dollar business. The American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine touts the field as an extension of preventive health care, using diet, supplements and other approaches to enable people to live longer and healthier lives....
Group says hormones unlock fountain of youth Anti-aging physicians claim to slow down body's deterioration with costly treatments
Out in this city where anything is possible, a former Chicago radiologist has started what he believes will be the wave of the future: an anti-aging clinic. Alan Mintz calls it Cenegenics, Greek for "new beginning." Cenegenics, he said, is dedicated to the science of "youthful aging." In a new office building seven miles west of the famous casino strip, Cenegenics combines hormone-replacement therapy, optimal nutrition and...
Discover the most powerful anti- aging agent and rejuvenation elixir ever known to mankind. Feel the amazing power of growing young.
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