In medieval times, alchemists searched for an elixir of eternal life: a potion that would keep men forever young and virile.As America's male baby boomers reach the 50-year mark, attention is once again focused on finding a remedy for the middle-age malaise -- the fatigue, loss of muscle and bone strength and weakened libido that often strikes men as they age. Although conventional wisdom once held that these problems were an inevitable part of growing old, some doctors assert...
Forever young with chemicals? Human growth hormone is just one attempt to turn back time
One recent sunny morning, an elegantly dressed woman strolled down Fifth Ave., turned onto East 72nd St. and strode past million-dollar limestone residences into the office of physician Adrienne Denese.The patient, a fashion publicity agent from the higher rungs of New York society, asked not to be named, but revealed that she visits Denese's clinic to receive her weekly dose of the 1990s version of youth elixir: human growth hormone. Denese, a trim blond with skin that is...
In the eternal quest for youth, Elixir Pharmaceuticals Inc. is building a portfolio of age-related genetic discoveries, adding licenses this week to two genes linked to longevity.The privately held Cambridge company hopes these and other genes will yield therapies to slow aging and delay the onset of age-related illnesses such as cancer and diabetes. Elixir said it licensed patents from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology related to the SIR-2 gene, which controls aging in yeast and...